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Welcome to Experiential Scholar 

Are you a working parent struggling to find quality time for your child's education amid your busy schedule?
At Experiential Scholar, we understand the challenges you face. That's why we've created a unique online learning platform tailored for students in grades 1-5, offering daily classes from 4:00 to 8:00 PM.

Why Choose Experiential Scholar?

1. Consistent Learning, Every Day:

  • Our daily classes ensure that your child stays on top of their studies, fostering a routine that leads to academic success.

2. Homework Mastery:

  • We focus on more than just teaching. Our dedicated tutors guide students in completing their homework, ensuring a deep understanding of every subject.

3. Experiential Critical Thinking:

  • Move beyond traditional rote learning. Our curriculum emphasizes hands-on, experiential activities that stimulate critical thinking skills, preparing your child for the challenges of the future.

4. Parent-Friendly Schedule:

  • Our classes are strategically scheduled between 4:00 to 8:00 PM, aligning with your work commitments. Now, you can actively participate in your child's education without disrupting your daily routine.

Remote Learning
Home Tution

What sets us apart? 

  • Grade-Specific Focus:

    • Exclusively catering to grades 1-5 ensures a targeted and effective learning experience for your child.

  • Experiential Critical Thinking: Beyond Rote Learning

    • We foster a deeper understanding of concepts, preparing your child for real-world challenges..

  • Daily Engagement: Learning Every Day, Every Subject

    • Every day counts in the educational journey, and we're here to make it count for your child.

  • Parent-Friendly Schedule: Aligning with Your Routine

    • Recognizing the challenges faced by working parents, we've strategically scheduled our classes between 4:00 to 8:00 PM.

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